WP1: Inception, Project Management, Monitor & Evaluation
deliverablesD1.1 Partnership Agreement (May 2024)
not yet available
D1.2 Quality Action Plan (April 2024)
not yet available
D1.3 Official (financial) reports (January 2027)
not yet available
D1.4 Inception report (May 2024)
not yet available
WP2: Institutional Capacity Development of STRIPES Centre
deliverablesD2.1 STRIPES CENTER institutional policy document/protocol (November 2025)
WP3: Operational Capacity Development at STRIPES Centres
deliverablesD3.1 Trainer's manual and course material on job market skills (October 2025)
not yet available
D3.2 STRIPES Centres internship and job placement manual and policy document (July 2026)
not yet available
WP4: Developing STRIPES Centres Physical Space
deliverablesD4.1 Formats for digitized course content material (technical component) (November 2025)
not yet available
WP5: Digitisation of STRIPES Centres Services
deliverablesD5.1 STRIPES Online Platform (May 2026)
not yet available
D5.2 Digitised course material/online course content (November 2026)
not yet available
WP6: Communication and Dissemination
deliverablesD6.1 Dissemination strategy (May 2024)
not yet available
D6.2 Project website (April 2024)
not yet available
D6.3 Joint report on value and importance on T-VET education (October 2026)
not yet available